Town of Griffith, Indiana Homepage

Griffith, Indiana Churches
In alphabetical order
Name Street Address * Phone
Abundant Life Tabernacle 704 N. Oakwood (219) 838-7074
Bible Baptist Church 231 N. Broad Street (219) 924-5401
Church of Christ 344 N. Griffith Blvd (219) 924-5565
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 300 W. Wirth Road (219) 838-9612
First Baptist Church 324 N. Colfax Ave (219) 924-6820
First Christian Church 705 N. Harvey Ave (219) 924-6840
Family Christian World 1300 N. Broad Street (219) 972-2700
First United Methodist Church 400 W. 44th Place (219) 838-6900
Free Methodist Church 826 N. Lillian Ave (219) 924-7296
Grace Assembly of God Church 1257 N. Cline Ave (219) 972-2472
Griffith Baptist Church 826 N. Harvey Ave (219) 924-4022
Griffith Church of God 630 N. Jay Street (219) 923-1455
Griffith Evangelical Lutheran Church 1000 N. Broad Street (219) 838-1626
Pilgrim Holiness Church of Griffith 425 S. Park Drive (219) 924-1556
Reed's Temple Church of God in Christ 1300 N. Broad Street (219) 972-0441
St. Mary Catholic Church 525 N. Broad Street (219) 924-4163
St. Timothy's Episcopal Church 1115 N. Cline Ave (219) 838-8379
* for complete postal address, add Griffith, Indiana 46319 to the street address above.

Some of our local churches have websites:

First Baptist Church (

Free Methodist Church (

First United Methodist Church (

Grace Assembly of God (

Griffith Evangelical Lutheran Church (

Griffith First Christian Church (

Reed's Temple Church of God in Christ (

St. Mary Catholic Church (

Saint Timothy's Episcopal Church (


Town of Griffith, Indiana Homepage