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Leonard Bezat

(219) 922-3078

E-mail address: [email protected]

Above, the Parks & Recreation Department facility at the SW corner of Colfax and Main Streets.  On most days, Parks Department employees are out maintaining our facilities.  Therefore, we ask that you do NOT stop at the Parks Department building.  Instead, please call and leave a message or e-mail us.

Have a question or comment for the Parks Department ... have you visited one of our facilities and found something that was unsafe or broken?  Please let us know by calling 922-3078 and leave a message on the answering machine (please speak SLOWLY, and give us your name, telephone number, and message).  You can also e-mail us at: [email protected].

Interested in reserving one of the Griffith Park shelters/pavillions for your family outing or picnic?  Reservations are on a calendar year basis and are open for Griffith residents only from January 1 through the end of February.  After that, reservations are open to the general public.  For more information, call the Parks Department at 922-3078, or e-mail us at: [email protected].

Have a question about the Hoosier Prairie Nature Preserve or Oak Ridge Prairie.  More info is available on the following pages.

The Park Board meets on the second Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m., at the Town Hall, and the meetings are open to the public.  Park Board members are:

Leonard Bezat - Park Superintendant
George Jerome
Donald Hoffman
Scott Sutton
Robert Boland

During Spring-Summer, 2003, a new pavillion (above) was constructed in Central Park, and replaced the older pavillion (below).


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